Playing on this evening along with Lynch Mob and a newly revamped RATT, Tom Keifer and his band helped kick off the concert season at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa, CA.
Keifer quite simply put always puts on a great show. His stage presence is powerful, all of his music is exceptional and he really leaves it all on stage. The band started the show with ‘The More Things Change’, ‘Somebody Save Me’ and ‘Shake Me’. Slowing the set down, Keifer move to the piano and brought his wife Savannah out to perform with him on ‘Don’t Know What You Got (Till It’s Gone)’. ‘Solid Ground’ along with a trio of Cinderella tunes ‘Night Songs’, Coming Home’ and ‘Shelter Me’ brought the evening to a climax for the near capacity crowd. ‘With A Little Help From My Friends’ was then followed by the grand finale of the show, a high energy version of Cinderella’s ‘Gypsy Road’. Keifer knowingly appreciates his fans and was truly moved by the audience’s love for him and his music. He personally thanked everyone for their 30-plus years of dedication. July 13th, 2018 The More Things Change Somebody Save Me Shake Me Don't Know What You Got (Till It's Gone) Nobody's Fool Solid Ground Night Songs Coming Home Shelter Me With a Little Help from My Friends Gypsy Road The full Tom Keifer photo album can be found here: The Official Website is located here: All Images © Joe Schaeffer Photography